Securing Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL: CMEK, pgAudit, and IAM Database Authentication


Securing your Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance is crucial to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with security requirements. In this blog, we will walk through the steps to secure a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance by enabling customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK), configuring pgAudit for fine-grained logging, and implementing IAM database authentication. These measures will enhance the security posture of your PostgreSQL databases in Google Cloud Platform.

Target Audience:

This blog is intended for PostgreSQL DBAs and professionals seeking hands-on experience in securing PostgreSQL databases using Google Cloud resources.

Task 1:

Create a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance with CMEK enabled: In this task, we will create a new Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance with CMEK enabled. CMEK allows you to use your own cryptographic keys for data at rest in Cloud SQL, providing an additional layer of encryption and control over your data. We will walk through the steps to create a new Cloud SQL instance with CMEK enabled and configure IP allowlisting for secure access.

Task 2:

Enable and configure pgAudit on a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database: pgAudit is a powerful database extension that allows fine-grained control and logging of all types of database activity. In this task, we will enable and configure pgAudit on our Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance. By selectively recording and tracking SQL operations, pgAudit provides valuable audit trail information for compliance and security purposes.

Task 3:

Configure Cloud SQL IAM database authentication: Cloud SQL IAM database authentication offers a secure way to authenticate and authorize users to access your PostgreSQL databases using Cloud IAM accounts. In this task, we will configure IAM database authentication for our Cloud SQL instance. We will create a Cloud SQL IAM user, grant database access to that user, and test access using the psql command line utility.


Securing your Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance is essential for protecting your data and maintaining compliance. By enabling CMEK, configuring pgAudit, and implementing IAM database authentication, you can enhance the security of your PostgreSQL databases in Google Cloud Platform. This blog has provided step-by-step instructions on how to secure your Cloud SQL instance using these key features.


  1. Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Documentation: Link

  2. Cloud SQL Encryption at Rest with Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK): Link

  3. pgAudit Extension for PostgreSQL: Link

  4. IAM Authentication for Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL: Link

  5. Google Cloud Platform Blog: Link

About the Author:

Emmanuel Odenyire Anyira is a Senior Data Analytics Engineer at Safaricom PLC. With extensive experience in designing and building data collection systems, processing pipelines, and reporting tools, Emmanuel has established himself as a thought leader in the field of data analytics and infrastructure management. He possesses expertise in various technologies, including Apache NiFi, Informatica PowerCenter, Tableau, and multiple programming languages. Emmanuel’s passion for automation and optimizing workflows has driven him to share his insights and expertise through writing and speaking engagements.